Luke Sanchez.

Seminarian Information

Fun Facts

Vocation Story

I grew up in a Catholic household and when I was in about 5th grade I felt the desire to be a priest after a Mass. I was an altar server until high school. Midway through my junior year of high school I had a deep conversion to Christ and after growing in my faith, the Lord placed the priesthood in front of me through the Vocations team, and I followed His call to this way of life.

Who or what inspires you to be a priest?

I want to have the ability to bestow God’s graces on the world in the same way the priesthood has blessed me as a lay person.

Why Santa Fe?

This is my home. It’s where my family was long before I was born and where I see my talents best put to use. I deeply desire to give back to the Santa Fe community for all that I have been given. I love the wide variety of people, places, and things that can be found in the Santa Fe area (especially the sports… Go United!).