Douglas Nicholson.

Seminarian Information

Fun Facts

Vocation Story

I grew up Catholic, following the example of my mother. I continued in faith throughout my life, but it was on a surface level–I was just “Catholic enough” so that I could continue to check the boxes. In high school my life went down a dark path which seemed never-ending and increasingly dark. It was then, by the power of the most holy Rosary and our blessed Mother, that I was pulled to the light and into the love of Jesus Christ. I walked down the path of recovery and reconciliation and found myself standing in front of the doors of the Archdiocese trying to respond to the question that the Lord kept asking me: “what will you do for me?”

Who or what inspires you to be a priest?

One thing that inspires me to be a priest is all the priests that are truly happy with their choice to be a priest!

Why Santa Fe?

I love the Catholic people of Santa Fe. They truly love the lord and I desire to learn from their example. This place has always been my home!