Deacon Jacob Romero.

Seminarian Information

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Vocation Story

I first thought about priesthood when I was nine years old, inspired by the example and priesthood of Fr. John Carney, my childhood pastor. The desire to become a priest would always come back in my heart when I received the sacraments. The first time I thought about it I received my first holy communion, and then in high school as I was going through confirmation preparation the feeling wouldn’t go away and I expressed an interest to go to seminary. I put it in the back of my mind as I went to college, but then by God’s grace, I returned to confession after a couple of years. I then got involved with the Newman Center at UNM in Albuquerque, where I began serious discernment, then entered formation in 2016.

Who or what inspires you to be a priest?

My childhood pastor, Fr. John Carney. I have known him since I was 8 years old. His joy, sense of humor, pastoral wisdom, and support have always been an inspiration to me.

Why Santa Fe?

New Mexico is a beautiful state with such a rich Catholic culture and history. I pray that in my priesthood I can not only contribute to the sustaining of that Catholic culture, but also deepen it, helping to reestablish a strong faith community in our Archdiocese and reminding people not only of who they are as New Mexicans, but also who they are as beloved children of God.