Discover God’s invitation to a beautiful vocation.
Discern a call to the priesthood in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe with confidence.
Our Archdiocese faces a critical shortage of priests.
In the next 15 years, 46 priests are set to retire in our Archdiocese. Christ continues to call men to the priesthood.
But the pressures of modern society can prevent young men from exploring that call. You will never regret taking your discernment seriously through your willingness to explore the vocation of the priesthood.

Don’t Discern Alone.
You want to follow God wherever He leads you. God doesn’t hide your vocation from you–he wills your joy and holiness in the path he calls you to walk. But to discern that path, you need to consult with wise counsel throughout your discernment.
Embrace the discovery phase of your vocation as a mystery to be lived rather than as a problem to be solved. We will walk with you every step of the journey.
You are not discerning if you’re not taking simple steps forward. Take one step forward today by reaching out for a guide within the Office of Vocations.

Discernment does not happen in a bubble.
We have been where you are, and have discovered the profound joy of being called to the priesthood within the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.
We only want this for you if it is truly the Father’s will. The Church, in her wisdom, provides many signs of a true vocation. We look for these in every young man who aspires to enter the priesthood. We want to get to know you and help you feel confident in the Lord’s call for your life, no matter the vocation He ultimately calls you to.
We want for you what God wants as well–your holiness.
Next Steps
Join a Critical Mission.
Discern it. Say yes. Be formed. iVívela!
At the Office of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, we want to help you discover the will of God for your life. We know that He invites every person to do something beautiful for Him with his or her life. But vocation is less about what you do and more about who you are.
The world lies to us, telling us that we will be happy if only we have everything we want. But through the laying down of our lives, Christ shows us a more excellent way to find true happiness.
Though the call to priesthood is supernatural, it is not too lofty for you if God calls you to it. The Office of Vocations exists to help you clarify the voice of God speaking to you through your desires and in prayer, by accompanying you on the journey. Contact us or register for an upcoming event. If you’re not taking simple, active steps in your discernment, you’re not truly discerning.
The Archdiocese of Santa Fe claims its foundation in the Franciscan missionaries from Europe who settled here and lived among the native population. The landscape today has changed, but the mission remains the same–bringing Jesus Christ to those who do not know Him, and feeding the flock that has already chosen to follow Him. The rugged landscape, beautiful vistas, and “salt-of-the-earth” people make our Archdiocese an authentic backdrop for living and preaching the Gospel to those who long for God.